南非土木工程施工标准 H部分 地基 英文原文节选 20100079 3-9 |
GENERAL The regulation contained in Part H of the National Building Regulations shall be deemed to be satisfied where - (a) any foundation is the subject of a rational design in accordance with the (b) the construction of any foundation complies with deevned-to-satisfy rules requirements contained in Part B; or Contained in the following provisions of this Part. EMPIRICAL RULES FOR FOUNDATIONS Any foundation constructed in accordance with subrub WPt2.2 toHkh.8 inclusive shall not be used to support any wall f m l n g pan& the stfWural system of any building except where - (a) such wall is placed centrally on such foundatiow (b) such wall 18 the wall of any bulldlng contemplated ih rule KItl of this code; (c) the soil supporting such foundation is not a heaving soil or shrinkable clay and or a soil with a collapsible fabrlc. Any such foundation shall be constructed in concrete haykg 4 compressive strength of not less than 10 MPa at 28 days, or be mtxed in pfqxHWmbyvolume of 1 part of cement, 4 parts of sand and 5 parts of coarse aggpegate. Any continuous strip foundation shall have a thickness of nort less than 200 mm: Provided that where the foundation is laid on solid rock wch W n e s s shall not apply. The width of any continuous strip foundation shall he not km than - ' (a) 600 mrn ln the case of a foundation to a toad-beadng or free standing masonry wall or to a timber framed wall supporting a roof with Class B covering contemplated In subrule LL3.4 of this code; or (b) 400 mm in the case of a foundation to a non-load-bearing internal masonry wall or to a timber framed wall supporting a roof with Class A orCIa8s C covering contemplated in subrule LL3.4 of this code. SABS 0400-1990 68 HH2.5 (a) Where any strip foundation is laid at more than one level the higher portion of the foundation shall extend over the lower portion for a distance at least equal to the thickness of the foundation. (b) Any void between the top of the lower portion of such foundation and the underside of the higher portion shall be completely filled with concrete of the same strength as that required for such foundation. H H2.6 Where any concrete floor slab is thickened to form a foundation - (a) the thickness, including that of such floor slab, shall be not less than that (b) the width of the thickened portion below such floor slab shall be not less Provided that such thickening shall not be required under non-load-bearing timber-f ramed wal Is. required for a continuous strip foundation; and than that required for a continuous-strip foundation: H H2.7 (a) Where any pier is built into or forms part of any wall the thickness of the foundation to such pier shall be the same as that required for such wall. (b) The length and width of the foundation to such pier shall be such as to project by 200 mm at any point on the perimeter of such pier.原件下载: