南非土木工程施工标准 J部分 楼面 英文原文节选 20100079 3-10 |
GENERAL The regulation contained in Part J of the National Building Regulations shall be deemed to be satisfied where - (a) any f b r is the subject of a rational design in accordance with the requirements contained in Part B; or (b) the constructbn of any floor complies with deemed-to-satisfy rules contained in the Whwbg provjshs of this Pert. FLOOR CONSTRUCTION Any floor of any building shall comply with the fire requirements contained in rules TT5, TT6, TT7,TT11, TT19, TT39, TT41, TT50, Tr51, lT52, TT53, W3 and W4, as the case may be. Any floor supported on ground or on filling shall be constructed of - (a) impervious floor units not less than 40 mm thick and consisting of date, bricks, natural stone or other approved material; or (b) a concrete slab which shall have a compressive strength of not less than 10 MPa at 28 days, or be mixed In the proportions by volume of 1 part cement, 4 parts sand and 5 parts coarse aggregate, and the thickness of such slab shall be not less than 75 mm . Such filling material shall - (a) consist of suitable material; and (b) be applied in well compacted layers not more than 150 mm in thickness. SABS 0400-1990 70 JJ2.4 Any concrete floor slab passing over or supported on foundation walls shall be designed in accordance with Part B as a suspended floor slab. 552.5 Any water-resistant floor shall be constructed of concrete or other approved material. J J2.6 Any suspended timber floor shall be constructed in accordance with SABS 082. 552.7 The underside of any floor boards other than those laid on a concrete slab shall be not less than 550 mm above the surface of the ground immediately below such floor boards. J J2.8 Provision for ventilation under suspended timber floors and the protection of ventilation openings shall be in accordance with SABS 082. J 52.9 The materials used in any suspended timber floor shall be in accordance with SABS 082. J 53 UN DER-FLOOR MEMBRANE J J3.1 Any under-floor membrane shall be not less than 0,25 mm thick and shall be laid on a surface which shall not contain any sharp object which may perforate such membrane. J 53.2 J 53.3 Such membrane shall be turned up around the perimeter of and at least for the full thickness of any slab. Any joint in such membrane shall overlap by not less than 150 mm and shall be effectively sealed.原件下载: