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南非土木工程施工标准 O部分 照明与通风 英文原文节选 20100079 3-15

Where in any building the requirements for lighting contained in regulation 01
are to be satisfied by the installation of a system of artificial lighting such lighting
shall be in accordance with the relevant recommendations contained in
SABS 0114: Part I.
(a) Outside air used in any artificial ventilation system shall be introduced
to the system from an inlet positioned to ensure that such air is as far
as possible free from local contamination.
(b) Where it is not possible to so position such inlet a filter which will reduce
contamination of such air to an acceptable level and prevent discharge
into rooms of dust or fluff that has accumulated in ducts shall be fitted
to such inlet.
The exhaust outlets for air which has been used for artificial ventilation purposes
shall be so located and arranged as to ensure that such air does not cause
a nuisance nor contaminate any airwhich is likely to be drawn into or ventilate
any existing bu i Id i ng .
Exhaust outlets or air inlets forming part of any artificial ventilating system shall
be protected by a substantial grille or screen through which a 12 mm diameter
sphere cannot pass.
Where an artificial ventilation system has been connected to a room -
(a) designed to be occupied by persons suffering from infectious or conta-
(b) contemplated in regulation Ol(3Kb); or
(c) containing a WC pan or urinal or used as a sauna, darkroom or refuse
air from such room shall not be recirculated to or permitted to pass into any
other room, whether or not such room falls into the same occupancy category,
and all such air shall be discharged or exhausted to the outside air.
gious diseases;
storage room;
(a) In any room contemplated in regulation Ol(3Kb) where heat, dust, gas,
vapour or volatile matter is liberated in one or more localized areas, each
such area shall be provided with an extract facility which shall exhaust
air from such area at a rate that will ensure that such heat, dust, gas,
vapour or volatile matter is effectively removed through such facility and
discharged to the outside air.
(b) Any such extract facility shall be so constructed that any condensate
deposited upon the internal surface of such facility cannot run or drip from
such surface back onto such area.
(a) The artificial ventilation system serving any parking garage shall be
separate from any other artificial ventilation system: Provided that contaminated
air exhausted from such garage may be circulated through a
transformer, machine or similar service room in order to dissipate heat
from machines before passing to the outside air.
(b) The arrangement and sizes of air inlets and outlets in every garage required
in terms of this Part to be artificially ventilated shall be such as to ensure
that the level of noxious or toxic fumes or gases at any location in such
garage does not rise above a safe limit.
(a) Where any kitchen contains an extraction facility for the purpose of extracting
heat or vapour such facility shall, where it is to be subjected to
an atmosphere containing grease in suspension, be fitted with a means
which will filter the air entering such facility to prevent such grease being
carried into the system: Provided that where such means cannot be fitted
111 SABS 0400-1990
an easily accessible trap or settling chamber shall be installed in the duct
leading from such facility.
(b) Provision shall be made at every change in direction of such duct for easy
inspection and for cleaning of the interior of the duct.
(c) Any such extraction facility and the artificial ventilation system required
therefor shall be constructed or lined throughout with a non-combustible
(d) Any such extraction facility shall not be connected to any other extraction
facility or artificial ventilation system.
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