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南非土木工程施工标准 P部分 排放装置 英文原文节选 20100079 3-16

PP15.6 The following requirements shall apply with regard to the single stack system:
(a) It shall only be installed where the building in question is of the office
class which has sanitary fixtures installed in ranges or of the residential
class which has sanitary fixtures installed in groups.
(b) It shall not be installed in any residential building exceeding 30 storeys
in height or in any office building exceeding 24 storeys in height above
the lowest ground level abutting such building.
(c) No trap vents for the protection of any water seals shall be required in
terms of this rule or in terms of subrule PP15.2 or PP15.3.
129 SABS 0400-1 990
(d) Any supplementary vent stack contemplated in subrules PP15.2 and PP15.3
shall be cross-connected at each storey with the discharge stack above
the level of the highest branch discharge pipe connection to the discharge
(e) The discharge stack shall be continued upwards to form a stack vent.
(f) The radius of the centre line of any bend at the foot of the discharge stack
shall be not less than 300 mm .
(9) No offset shall be made in any discharge stack unless a ventilating pipe
is provided to reduce any pressure which may be caused by any offset,
and the nominal diameter of such ventilating pipe shall be not less than
half the diameter of such discharge stack.
(h) Every waste fixture trap shall be either a ‘P’ trap which has a water seal
of not less than 75 mm in depth or shall be a resealing trap of the ‘P’ type.
(i) The vertical distance between the invert of the lowest branch discharge
pipe connected to any discharge stack and the invert of the bend at the
foot of the stack shall be not less than -
(i) 450 mm for stub stacks, stacks in single dwellings of up to three
storeys in height and stacks of up to two storeys in height serving
a maximum of two groups of sanitary fixtures;
(ii) 750 mm for stacks of up to five storeys in height in other buildings;
(iii) one storey in height for stacks higher than five storeys.
(k) Where any waste branch and any opposed soil branch from a WC pan are
connected to any discharge stack the centre line of such waste branch
shall not intersect the centre line of such stack within 200 mm below the
intersection of the centre line of such soil branch with the centre line of
such stack.
(I) The inlet of a branch discharge pipe or a fixture discharge pipe joining
a discharge stack of equal diameter shall be swept in the direction of flow
with a radius of not less than 50 mm or shall be at an angle of 45O.
The following additional requirements shall apply with regard to any single stack
installation in any building where the occupancy is of the residential class:
(a) The fixture branch of any sanitary fixture in any sanitary group shall be
separately connected to the discharge stack.
(b) Where the trap fitted to any washbasin has a nominal diameter of 32 mm
the internal diameter of the fixture branch serving such washbasin shall
be not less than 40 mm .
(c) Not more than two sanitary groups installed in any one storey shall be
connected to the same discharge stack.
(d) A discharge stack of not more than two storeys in height serving a maximum
of two groups of sanitary fixtures may discharge into a stub stack.
(e) The minimum discharge stack size and, where required, supplementary
vent stack size and cross-ventilation requirements shall be as prescribed
in Table 10.
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