Dear Sir
REGULATION (EC) NO. 852/2004
Please find enclosed a report of my visit to the above premises on the 26th January 2011 for the purpose of carrying out an inspection under the above Regulations.
The report details the work you must do to comply with food law. Also included is a schedule of food safety recommendations. These are not legal requirements, but implementation of these recommendations will help to ensure you can produce safe food.
Please read this report carefully, and if you do not understand the action you are required to take, contact me promptly.
I am please to say that I noted a good improvement in the cleanliness of your premises and the food hygiene practises. It is good to see that you are following the advice of this department.
The following non-compliance was identified and discussed during the inspection. The non-compliance must be rectified as soon as possible and will be checked on the re-visit.
1. Disinfection
Several cloths were noted in the premises. Most were clean however I found one on the double sink which was dirty and had a foul smell. Dirty cloths contain germs, using these in your shop means that you are spreading germs around onto all the work surfaces that you wipe. You must ensure that you have clean cloths every day before you start work, at the end of service or after use with foods such as raw meats. All the used cloths must be cleaned and disinfected. This can be done by washing them in your washing machine on a high temperature or cleaning them in an anti bacterial soak. Alternatively you could use disposable towels.
(Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 Annex II Chapter V para 1a)