3 Company Profiles and Project Experiences
3.1 DB International GmbH
3.1.1 Company Profile and Scope of Service Company Profile
Name of Company: |
DB International GmbH (formerly: DE-Consult) |
Abbreviation: |
DB International |
Head-Office Berlin (international activities) |
Head-Office Frankfurt-am-Main (national activities) |
Bornitzstr. 73 – 75 D-10365 Berlin P.O. Box 70 01 08 D-10321 Berlin Germany |
Oskar-Sommer-Strasse 15 D-60596 Frankfurt am Main P.O. Box 700 254 D-60591 Frankfurt am Main Germany |
Phone: +49-30-6343-0
Fax: +49-30-6343-1010 |
Phone: +49-69-6319-220
Fax:+49-69-6319-356 |
Registration Location: Berlin-Charlottenburg, Germany
Date of first Registration: June 21, 1966 (DE-Consult) January 22, 2007 (re-named as DB International GmbH)
Scope of Business: International railway and transportation consultancy, in particular comprehensive planning, supervision, consulting and execution of projects of any kind in connection with the construction, management and operation of railbound transportation systems; management and environmental consultancy
Number of Years in Business: 41
Company Organisation: -Head-Office in Berlin
-Business Units: -National -International -Technological Innovation
-National Branches in Berlin, Frankfurt and Karlsruhe -International Branches
-Numerous project offices worldwide
Name and Address of Parent Company:
DB Projektbau GmbH K?thener Strasse 2-3
10963 Berlin, Germany
DB International GmbH (formerly DE-Consult) is one of the world’s leading consulting and engineering companies. The firm provides consultancy services in the transportation sector, particularly in the fields of railways and rapid transit systems.
The company was established in 1966 by the Deutsche Bahn AG (German Railway), formerly Deutsche Bundesbahn, and the Deutsche Bank AG under the name of DE-Consult Deutsche Eisenbahn-Consulting GmbH. In January 2007 the name of the company was changed to DB International GmbH and is now a 100% subsidiary of Deutsche Bahn AG.
The progressing globalisation and internationalisation followed by associated changes in the market and customer relationships have resulted in an increasing significance of railway services worldwide. Following this challenge the Deutsche Bahn AG has decided to provide its unique railway know-how in the future through one single source, DB International, covering project development from the first concept through to its realisation.
While DB International can draw on the wealth of technical and operational expertise and experience of the German Railway its operation is completely independent of the parent companies and is also free from all production and supply interests.
Since its foundation, DB International has worked in more than 100 countries involving more than 2,000 projects. Knowledge of German technology is thus supplemented by comprehensive experience gained on international projects.
The company is represented by branch offices in Germany and maintains a large number of project offices overseas. DB International branch offices are located in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), Algiers (Algeria), Athens (Greece), Bangkok (Thailand), Beijing (China), Bucharest (Romania), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Taipei (Taiwan), Vilnius (Lithuania) and Moscow (Russia) which is presently being established.
DB International is registered as an "Independent Consulting Enterprise" with the following institutions:
World Bank (Classification A)
United Nations
Commission of the European Communities
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
African Development Bank
Asian Development Bank
Inter-American Development Bank
PHARE and TACIS of the EU
European Development Fund
European Investment Bank
Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH
the ministries, planning organisations and development aid institutions of numerous countries.
The clients of DB International include:
International institutions assisting developing countries
Government departments and local authorities responsible for both long-distance and urban transport operations
State-owned and private railway companies
Transport undertakings other than railway operators
DB International services in the consultancy and planning sector cover all facets of transportation planning, economics, engineering, operation, maintenance, administration, management, training and financing. The full range of advisory services is offered from project identification, project planning and evaluation, preliminary and detailed design to construction supervision.
At present, DB International employs more than 500 planners, engineers, economists and support staff. These highly qualified and motivated professionals draw on many years of international experience and guarantee the efficient, results-oriented completion of your projects.
DB International experts are specialised in the following areas:
railway engineering and operations
multimodal transportation planning
transport economics and financial analyses
transportation management
marketing of transport services ?organisation/restructuring of transport companies and institutional strengthening
training/human resources development and know-how transfer programmes
marine and inland waterway transport
environmental impact assessment Company Scope of Services
Railway Engineering
capacity and performance analysis of systems and lines
traffic and operational control systems
? communications and signalling
? operational facilities for train traffic, overall traffic cycle studies and design of turnaround facilities such as loops and triangles
traction power and on-line substations, distribution systems for lines and depots, sectioning and network separation
studies concerning power supply via conductor rails and/or catenary systems
staged commissioning and operations of systems and subsystems
design and evaluation of on-board, on-line and station requirement for train signalling systems
automatic train operation, vehicle and line configuration
integrated solutions for interlinking systems of different configurations
system engineering
conceptional and detailed design for integrated E&M systems and rolling stock
depot planning and operation, layouts, work flow analysis, installations, maintenance of facilities based on existing and anticipated vehicle fleet
maintenance, commissioning and acceptance of vehicles and other rolling stock
Transportation Planning
survey and analysis of current traffic situation
socio-economic and demographic surveys and forecasts
sector and product analysis
capacity investigations
development models for short-, medium-and long-term travel demand forecasts
traffic demand management
modal split analysis and modelling
development of optimal network concepts (using specialised software packages)
preparation of transportation master plans (for cities, regions and countries)
evaluation of alternative transport systems
urban public and mass rapid transit systems, commuter rail services
Organisation and Training
reorganisation of engineering sectors of transport undertakings
workplace assessment, time-and-motion studies, capacity investigation
training programmes
establishment of training centres
implementation and supervision of training programmes
market surveys
market research and segmentation
sales forecasts and planning
conjoint design studies
risk analysis
price segmentation
optimisation of tariff systems
advertisement strategies
communication and public relations concepts
Business Organisation
privatisation, business reengineering
corporate planning
management information systems
Finance and Transport Economics
pre-feasibility and feasibility studies
determination of investment requirements, preparation of financial plans
cost structure/cost-benefit/cost effectiveness analyses
analysis of profitability and intermodal cost comparisons
rate of return and rate of investment calculations
cash-flow analyses
accounting systems
BOT-models, private finance
public finance (development banks, multilateral institutions)
capital expenditure planning
Multimodal Freight Traffic
multimodal transport systems
intermodal freight traffic centres
container traffic
freight management and marketing
management and operation of industrial railways
multimodal door-to-door products
Preliminary and Detailed Planning of Routes, Installations and Equipment
preliminary technical projects at the pre-investment and feasibility study level
design concepts and layouts
evaluation of bids and contract formulation
comparison and evaluation of alternative schemes and layouts
preparation of specifications and tender documents
preparation and design of working drawings of all types of fixed installations and of equipment for railways, underground systems, light rail and other rail-bound systems
Fact-finding studies and preparation of definite schemes for different traction types, energy supply, operating plans, safety installations, signalling and telecommunications to meet individual system requirements
Project Implementation
project management and site supervision of turnkey railway projects
site supervision of railway works
supervision of the installation of signalling and telecommunications, power supply and overhead line equipment
inspection of manufacture of railway rolling stock and other equipment (such as, for example, ships)
acceptance tests and commissioning at factory and on site
implementation assistance with opening new lines to traffic and placing into service of new equipment
Operation and Maintenance
analysis of existing systems
advice and recommendations on the operation and maintenance of current railway systems or parts thereof
preparation and implementation of maintenance plans
proposals for improvements to existing railway property and land
Research and Development
assessment of new technologies including novel support and guidance systems for railway and other rail-bound systems
research projects of all types, e.g. permanent way characteristics, vehicle dynamics, noise levels, ride quality, etc.
co-ordination and supervision of scientific research projects and investigations into advanced railway systems
tunnel ventilation
Quality Management System
advisory services towards ISO 9000 certification
preparation of Quality plans on the basis of ISO 10 006
Environmental Management System
advisory services towards ISO 14 000 and EU-Environmental Audit Instruction No. 1836/93 certification
integration of environmental management systems into an existing Quality management system
Environmental Protection
environmental impact assessments
socio-economic impact assessments
mitigative measures and landscaping
noise, vibration and electromagnetic interference / compatibility