Course Name:ACCN 7130财务报表分 Credits:3 Class Contact:8 hours a day for 4 days; 2 hours a day for 2 evenings; 4‐hour final assessment Proposed Delivery Date: Assessment: A combination of written assignments and tests. Course Description Course Objectives This course is designed to teach students the elements of using financial statement information for economic decisions.We begin with an overview of financial reporting and analysis, briefly review income and cash flows, then introduce analysis of profitability and risk. Next, we sort out the economic substance of transactions and other economic events and their accounting and reporting under current ccounting and disclosure rules. After revisiting profitability and risk analysis in greater detail, we study pro‐forma financial statements and valuation. We also deal with deferred taxes, intercorporate investments, and financial statement translation. Textbook ‐ Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation: A Strategic Perspective, 7th Edition, Wahlen, Baginski, & Bradshaw, 2011. ‐ Recommended Reading (not required): Business Fairy Tales: Grim Realities of Fictitious Financial Reporting, Cecil W. Jackson, 2006. Professor Name DeenKemsley Professor Title Professor Professor Bio DeenKemsley is the Albert H. Cohen Alumni Professor of Accounting at Tulane University, where he has taught since 2004. He also has served on the full-time faculties at Columbia Business School (8 years) and Yale School of Management (1 year). He has published about a dozen papers in top academic journals, and he has earned approximately twenty teaching honors and awards from students at Columbia, Yale and Tulane. In business, he worked as a CPA manager for Coopers & Lybrand, as a registered securities representative, and as an expert witness on several cases.